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Supported Living

Supported Living & Home Care Services

Our supported living and home care services cover a wide variety of home care and supported  living needs and vary from client to client in the level of complexity and the specific areas of help that are required. As clients develop new skills or lose the ability to do others, so our support plans, which are effectively "living documents", will  also change.

The support we offer could well include assistance with shopping, cooking, paying bills, dealing with correspondence, arranging travel, social and home activities, cleaning, household tasks and personal care needs. For instance:
1. We can provide competent and trained support staff, available 24 hours a day, every day of the year, to provide support and/or personal care provision.
2. The same staff can help with keeping accommodation clean and safe and to create a pleasant,  homely environment.
3. We will assist individuals to achieve and maintain their own level of independence by helping them identify areas in which assistance is required, and work together to achieve their personal aims.
4. We can help to  source information of use to each individual with regard to benefits which they might be entitled to, and to assist in the completion of forms, etc.
5. We will provide practical support to clients by both promoting and upholding their rights to  self determination and personal choice and, if needed and requested, seek professional advice on their behalf to this end.
6. We will always help to ensure that individuals effect their personal preferences and that they are given the assistance  and information necessary to make well informed choices, and that their choices are both acknowledged and recorded.
7. We provide emergency first aid in the event of an accident.
8. We can provide added security at night, e.g. checking door  locks, electrics, gas, etc. are shut off.
9. Wherever possible we promote healthy eating and encourage the individual to eat a well balanced diet, providing advice and nutritional information to assist them in their choices.
10. Our home  care and supported living staff will accompany our clients on shopping trips and provide transport and support for GP/medical appointments, day excursions, prescription collection, etc.

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